Brian Fuentes shares something in common with Billy Wagner - both have had a stretch in the last two years where they blew 3 straight saves. The difference maker here is Clint Hurdle had Manny Corpas waiting to take the reins in
The most popular comment spanning the Mets blogosphere these days regarding Fuentes is "Doesn't anyone remember that he lost his job in 2007?!" Yes, most do (especially fantasy owners). In June of 2007 Fuentes blew 4 straight saves (and not in the Coors Light air mind you — on the road) and Hurdle gave the ball to Corpas come save time for the rest of the season. To Clint's credit it worked. It turned out Fuentes had back issues that landed him on the DL and Manny delivered all the way to the World Series.
Needless to say come 2008, Fuentes rebounded in a walk year and put up 30 saves, including 17 straight to cap off the season. The last closer to end a season with close to that many straight saves still hasn't blown one yet (what team does he play for again).
So what will Fuentes bring to the table? He's a lefty with a deceitful delivery. The ball looks like it's coming out of a slow-motioned-sidearm air dancer before it's fired to the plate. He comes with over 100 career saves worth of experience, will most certainly come cheaper than K-Rod, and isn't riddled with the injury concerns of Wood.
Arguments against him - he has played primarily in a weak NL West for his career. The talent pool in the NL East is surely more impressive. Yes he has pitched in the playoffs, but his postseason resume hardly qualifies as experience for what he'd be signed for as it wasn't in the closer role. Not that the numbers are that impressive anyway.
Should the Mets be unable to sign K-Rod, it appears as though a good portion of the fan base would gladly take Fuentes for 2 - 3 years guaranteed with an incentive based contract (e.g.: 2009 base salary — $7 million and can go up from there based on seasonal conversion milestones up to $X million. 2010 base salary — $8 million, etc.). If Minaya is to ink Fuentes, it would be wise for the GM to sign a set-up man with closing experience such as Huston Street. This way should Fuentes falter as he did in 2007, the team would have someone ready to step up behind him.