Lets Talk About Sheets, Baby

With Atlanta signing Derek Lowe, the fans are crying out for the Wilpon’s to shell out some money for Ben Sheets. This is not to say they need to throw the injury plagued righty 4 years off the bat, but they must allow Omar to take another look.

Sheets’ medical report must look as though it was written by a left-handed, seizure prone physician on a spiral bound notebook. To the knowledge of the Heyman’s and Rosenthal’s out there, nobody has even given him a formal offer (sans usual Winter Meeting slush). Now is the prime time to do so.

Omar must at least give Scott Boras reason to believe he is not going to this play this ludicrous game much longer. The facade of moving on to another target needs to be employed. Should Boras take his client elsewhere, then just pay Sheets. He’ll require less in contract length, and most likely annual value as well. Comparatively the last 3 seasons:
  • Oliver Perez – 85 GS / 483 2/3 IP / 1 SHO / 456 K
  • Ben Sheets – 72 GS / 445 2/3 IP / 7 CG + 3 SHO / 380 K
Even the most fervent of Ollie P supporters would have to admit a rotation including Sheets at #2 would certainly put the Metropolitans among the best in the NL (Projected - Santana, Sheets, Pelf, Maine, Redding). Omar could assumingly sign another innings eater on the cheap, allowing us to go into the season with 6 viable starters (7 if we include John Niese). The rotation flexibility, should this option present itself, gives Jerry Manuel the chance to give Sheets DL time and other rotation members rest.