That's not all folks. There is no more need to worry about MRI's or ruptured triceps tendons. In case you missed it, Johan Santana is officially on point. In 5 innings yesterday, Johan struck out 7 and allowed only 2 hits, one of which was a solo shot to left off the bat of Matt Diaz. He hit 93 on the gun a few times and located all his pitches extremely well through the first 4 frames. They stretched him out to 75 pitches and he seemed tired during the last 8 - 12 leaving the ball up a few times while topping out at 89 on the fastball.
The most important part of the outing is that he feels good and he got stretched out. To my understanding this means he will get 2 more starts, one against Washington on the
27th and the other against St. Louis on April Fools Day. If all goes well our ace will be stretched out and ready to go by Opening Day. Lets hope the rest of the rotation can get sorted out now.

With our roster now intact and the lineup starting to take shape things are really coming together. This all before our poster boy has even takes the field. Anybody with thoughts on Murphy hitting in the 2 spot? I don't like Castillo 8th, but I do like Murphy 2nd. Where do you think the order is headed?