Hump Day with Mets Mike 5th Edition: Hall of Fandom

This week's will be about us. We deserve this people. This team is frustrating beyond belief, but us chumps keep on rooting like we're getting paid for it. Why? Because stand up people who follow sports teams follow the shit out of them, and decide not to front run, or go across town where the grass may or may not be greener. We chose the Mets, our grass is dried out and patchy. We're two decades in to a championship drought, but we keep on keepin' on. That is why I will be opening the Mets Fan Hall of Fame. I'm not rich, so there will be no physical hall of fame or ceremony, just me typing about my favorite Mets fans on the couch while my girlfriend watches Dancing with the Stars. What a momentous occasion for all of us. Let us Begin...


Jerry Seinfeld

Pretty obvious. He's extremely successful, rich, respected, and funny, making him a good representative of the average Met fan. His wife is also smokin' if memory serves me right. (editors note, just checked, nah not really. but still hittable like Chien Ming Wang's 4 seam. "OH!"- Andrew Dice Clay)

Jon Stewart

Funny Jews love the Mets, and we love them right back. He gives the Mets both props and good old fashioned ribbings on the Daily Show; which shows the nation that loves watching his show something every Met fan learned before walking; have a sense of humor about the Mets. (But don't take your jokes to the blogs, that's my lane, stay out of it.)

Tim Robbins

He's said several times, most recently being opening day at Citi Field, that he attended both the '69 and '86 series victories. That's serious credentials. Plus, Shawshank Redemption is the best. Props Robbins...props.

Chuck D

He personifies the patience one must have to be a Mets fan. Us normal fans have to deal with just the frustration of the Mets, he has to deal with both the Mets AND Flavor Flav. He is a saint. He is a hall of famer. Congratulations Charles D.

Hilary Swank

We needed a lady on this list, because come on guys, its 2009; chicks dig sports, and the coolest chicks dig the Mets. This isn't just some "chick" though, this an A-List, Oscar Winning, Karate Kidding, Super Woman. Seriously, could a woman who likes the Phillies or Braves take over for Ralph Macchio as the 1st female karate kid? Short answer, no. Long answer, fuck no.


Look at that jacket? Need I explain any more? The man Top 5 dead or alive, arguably GOAT, and a Met Fan to boot. Now we just need him to show the Mets how to spit that ether.

Chris Rock

This picture is worth a thousands words. Or as Chris Rock would say, "WOMEN BE SHOPPIN'!"
(He would say that to make you laugh and distract you from his horrible form).

I think 7 inductees is good enough for an inaugural class, as there will be more. I didn't include myself because that's not fair, and Bilko is too obvious. Plus he doesn't like to show his face in pictures with his Met gear on so I had no art on him. Damn you blogmaster!

I also would like to add regular folk next time around (not just the elite celebs), with your own special Mets stories and H.O.F. qualifications. If I don't get any of those, I'll make up good ones with my imagination and post funny pictures from around the internets. That's called a Win-Win folks. Later!