The key to success, as so often is the case, has been consistent, high-quality starting pitching. Suddenly, the Mets have more dependable arms than that magical left limb of Santana's. I would, of course, be remiss if I didn't also single out Mr. Sheffield, 40, for praise. As Brendan noted after yesterday's game, the man is flat-out raking out there!
The baseball season, as everyone knows, is a marathon, not a sprint; it's a war of attrition, not a skirmish. During the course of 162 games, all teams sustain casualties, but only the truly great ones manage to overcome the loss, temporary or permanent, of pivotal contributors. Here's hoping the Mets' latest run is indicative of this elusive quality, and that they maintain their momentum and heroically manage to go over the top.
Gentlemen, on my command, raise bayonets and charge!