Why shouldn't the man who is the spark plug of the offense, the coordinator of handshakes, the professor of Spanish, and the ESPN dance instructor, shift the infield everyday? Jose is much more mature than the media lets him on to be, and Jerry knows that better than any of us. The man (not kid - he's entering his 5th major league season and will be 26 this year) oozes with confidence, and that surely isn't just for show. Last year we watched Jose learn to be a healthy combination of his fun loving self and his professional self. The maturation process will continue this year with these new challenges.
Is Jerry realistically going to shift Reyes in the lineup come the regular season? Maybe. Analysts and fans alike have been trying to figure it out for days now, with the general consensus being that he will stay where he's aways been. Regardless, I think the man is ready, willing, and able to take on anything thrown at him this season.