David Lennon of
Newsday blogged about a new drill
Jerry Manuel has players going through this spring training:
Brian Schneider just completed an exhausting BP session of seven minutes straight with no break. Just him and the machine feeding Schneider pitch after pitch. Its an unusual drill - usually players take no more than 6 or 7 swings before switching up with someone else.

Obviously Hojo and Snoop have something up their sleeves with this new exercise. Mets beat writer
Marty Noble went into detail about it today. Apparently the batter steps in and is told to swing at every pitch coming his way for the next 6 minutes - 80 pitches total, as a conditioning drill. The exhaustive sessions force the hitter to use their hands and not make that perfect swing once fatigue sets in. The hope is that this will improve hand-eye coordination when situationally hitting (as in those cases it is simply contact that's essential...like
when Daniel Murphy was on third).