In the post Willie era, Carlos Delgado smacked 29 HR's and drove in 83 in 406 PA, while hitting .291. We all know Delgado's first and second half splits were in stark contrast to one another, but the hitter insists the departure of Randolph had nothing to do with the surge. Current skipper Jerry Manuel believes the disparity in the numbers was due to the sluggers health more than anything.
When Jerry first came on, he said one of his priorities was to give his core players more rest so they could be at their freshest. If this was a priority, someone missed the memo. Delgado himself played in 159 games last season and I wouldn't exactly call 3 days ample rest. Carlos shook off such a notion of depleted health. When asked yesterday about Jerry's theory, he told reporters “I wish there was something wrong physically.”
Such is the nature of Delgado. We never know exactly what it is going on inside his head or his massive frame. Whatever it is that's making him click or causing a slump will go into a little notebook for his eyes only. Let's all hope he has only positive things to write about in '09.