I'm a big Perez fan. I used to write that "we're big Perez fans here at Priced Out of the Citi," but I believe if I said that now at least one member of my team would feel the need to castrate me for expressing such a sentiment on their behalf. So I'll just continue speaking for one in this case. It felt good watching Ollie last night. Yes he walked 7(!), including one to start the game off and 3 with 2 out in the third. He was visibly nervous while simultaneously being visibly Oliver.
Watching him out there brought out the ol' soft spot in me again. Yes I wanted to pull my hair out with the walks, but seeing some swings and misses on that snapping slider, that was nice. That gave me hope that maybe he can make up for the beginning of this season and turn himself around. Maybe he will earn at least half his yearly paycheck with some fine performances. No I'm not calling last night a fine one by any means (hell I put performance in quotes to start this post off). But it was an Oliver performance and a win. As it stands today, I'm just fine with that.