I'm currently at a block of time in the package where there are 3 games in 8 days - Monday (9/17) against the Giants, Thursday (tomorrow) versus the Bravos, and a Monday (9/24) date with the rival Phils. At purchase time this seemed like it would be the ultimate stretch of the package. The dog days were going to be coming to an end and we'd be fighting tooth nail against our bitter rivals. These games would be a big part of defining our season. Such wound up not being the case. Never did I ever think we would be so far out at this point.
Never did I ever think 2/3 of our starting lineup for 5 games I would be in attendance for (add in tickets from a friend for this Friday and a Chicago trip next Friday) would consist of Pagan, Valdez, Sullivan, Santos, Tatis, and Sheffield. Never did anyone think this would be 2/3 of our lineup. I might even be a little too generous with that projection - who knows when Sheff's cranky hamstring is going to act up. Cross him off and put Jeremy Reed in there. Gulp.
"Never have I ever" is such an applicable concept for this season in general. "Never have I ever seen David Wright on the DL" - raise your hand. "Never have I ever seen Gary Sheffield in a Mets uniform" - raise your hand. "Never have I ever seen a team wear fake throwbacks on the field before" - raise your hand. "Never have I ever thought about a $65 million DL payroll" - raise that hand again. There's more - plenty more actually, and I'm sure they won't be the last ones we'll come up with before the end of this season either.