Before we kick things off, I'd like to thank Citi Field for having us. Can I get a big round of applause for Citi Field? Yes a big round of applause for Citi Field ladies and gentlemen, big round of applause!
I'd also like to thank the normal Wednesday night headliners - Carlos & Carlos, Inc. and Jose, Jose, Jose. If it weren't for you guys taking some time off, this show would still be happening upstate and not in the big Citi. Can I get a big round of applause for them folks? Big round of applause.
Tonight at open mic night, our first act will be The Nick Evans Band. He'll be playing a few tunes off his 2nd album Two Run Homer. Up next will be The Tatis Two Tones. After his failed record 6-4-3, he has revived his career with the smash hit Sharp Single to Left. And finally we have our headliner who hails from the scrap heap, Fernando Nieve. Nieve will croon some songs of his first record 3-0, and All I Got was This Lousy Rotation Spot.
I think tonight's going to be a real treat folks, a real treat. There are still some set spots available tonight if you'd like to sign up in the back on our AAAA list (Adequate, Average, and Able). Again a special thanks to Citi Field for having us, please come back tomorrow for the Johan Santana Show. And now without further ado, open mic night!