Last night was the first time in over a week I was able to sit on my couch and actually take in an entire game live on television. No Gamecast, no Howie, no DVR, no innings missed. That last night was a good, satisfying win. With Beltran hitting the DL, Reyes and Ray Ramirez getting into car accidents, and Oliver Perez tossing a garbage line in St. Lucie, the team needed a victory like that too. Let's hope they get a little charge from a victory like this and can keep it going.
Yesterday I posted that something had to give sooner or later with this team. Alex Cora had this much to say on the subject after the Mets victory last night: "It takes more than five superstars to win a World Series. It's a total team effort. That's what it's going to take. You talk about team wins - tonight was a great example of that." Understood that it takes more than five superstars - we've watched the last 2 seasons unfold where five of the best won't even get you to the playoffs. I'm glad Alex said that though. It's easy too lose sight of those things when you're spoiled with the big guns.
There have been a few games this season that reeked of "turn around" game. The one that would right the ship. This was another one of those games. I'm neither ready to see it as a turning point nor going to get my hopes up for it. No. That leads to the disappointment and frustration spoken about here yesterday. But just taking it as a nice little victory - I'm more than happy with that.