I want to do a music themed blog again. I haven't been to Citi Field yet, which is completely ridiculous. But I always thought a cool part of the experience of going to live baseball games was to hear what music the players choose while coming to bat or entering from the bullpen.

It gives you a small insight in their personality, and can sometimes really amp you up if the song is particularly badass. So since I haven't been to Citi Field, and haven't the slightest idea what songs the Mets are choosing nowadays, I'm going to just put what songs I think would be appropriate. I'm just doing some of the players, because I don't have the time nor creativity to do the whole team, but I'll add some fancy youtube links so you all can boogie with me.
Jose Reyes-
Yakety SaxWhen he's running for a triple I play this song in my head and it works. Simple as that.
David Wright-
Sean Michaels Theme SongDavid Wright has a reputation as a bachelor that drives the chicas wild, so HBK's theme song fits. (Editor's Note- I never really paid attention to the lyrics all the way through until right now, and it is an extremely weird song. Sean Michaels calls himself "a sexy boy" at least a dozen times, but at the same time makes sure you know for certain that he's "not your boytoy." Wright really isn't this big a fruit and doesn't deserve this song, but I already linked it, sorry man).
K-Rod- P. Diddy & The Fam (Who U Kno do It Betta)-
His appearance has so far meant a victory each time he came in with a lead. (9 for 9 in save opps.) Plus this song is STRAIGHT UP HEATROCK. I was twurkin to this in middle school and will be doing the same at whatever senior living center my basterd kids place me in. I'm 2 levels above you baby!
Gary Sheffield- Cam'ron ft. JR Writer-
ShakeOpening line, "Who wanna mess with me, or can mess with me?" Not deep, or witty, but I don't wanna mess with Gary Sheffield NO MATTER WHAT. Plus he shakes his bat. Double whammy with that one y'all.
Carlos Beltran- R. Kellzz-
The World's GreatestHe is a mountain
He is a tall tree
He is a lion
He fields so greatly
He is a marching band
He is an eagle
He hates sliding
But he's still a beast yo
If anybody asks you who he is
Just stand up tall, look em in the face and say
He's the apple of our eye
He makes the apple rise up high
Hey the Mets made it
Their center fielder is the world's greatest
Jeremy Reed-
A Metronome at 76 BPMThis sums him up to me pretty good.
JJ Putz- Gangstarr-
Itz a Set UpGet it? Anyhow its sick, and I just want to see a burly huge white guy with a red beard running to the mound to a DJ Premier track. I think it would be fun.
Carlos Delgado-
Tower of Power- What is HipMore like, what is
wrong with his hip
?! Seriously though, this oldie is great. Wait, the song or Delgado?! woooomp woooooomp (Editor's Note again- I like Delagado, he aint THAT old, the bum hip just makes it easy)
I think this is good enough, the rest of the team can come out to Lifehouse for all I care, as long as these JAMZ are gonna be played
I'll be good. Look at this, I can't even stop posting hot urban joints from yesteryear IF I WANTED TO. After typing out all this, I just gotta go dance....see ya!